Wednesday, December 5, 2018

sharing πŸ’«

Assalamualaikum and Hai everyone . So, how are you? In the pink? This week seriously the tough one😭

So , in this entry, i would like to share with all of you about my experience as a childhood. They are the people who rise me up until where im standing right now❀

In 2003,if im not mistake , they went for Umrah . They left me at my grandmother house . But then, as soon as they came back for Umrah, im not longer wanted to stay with them 😭😭😭 this is because, im the youngest one and there was my cousin which younger than me . So, i  decided to stay with my grandmothert because i wanted to enjoy my childhood with cousin.

As time flies, in 2014 , i moved to my parents's house . Since that , everything changed.  AlhamdulillahπŸ’ž finally , Allah opened my heart to stay with my parents. ..

My mom always guide me in my studies.  Sent me to extra class , to school.  Sometime, my father also did the same thing ❀

The most important thing that im proud with my father is , he always say that "Allah is the best planner , He knows what the best for you , if something happened , do not complain , there must be a reason behind everything that happend".

As soon as i got the offer to study in Food Service course , certain people kept saying that, its quite complicated for me to get a job in the future because this is not a top course..

But he said , "Its okay Ain.  You dont need to think about a job, Allah had planned everything for you, just follow the flows , its not your problem to complain all these..Allah is the best of the planner❀" and since that, i trust that , everything that going to happen in future is the thing that Allah has planned for me❀ so yaaa , accept everything!!

And my momm is so kind to her children including her granddaughter and son-in-law/ lucky are my brother-in-law and sister-in-law to have mother in law like my momπŸ’•

Everytime she went for vacation, she would buy something special to her neighbour. .yaaa , she never forgot her neighbour . Im
really amazed with her kindness ❀ proud to be her daughter πŸ’«

There are lot of the things that make me proud of my parents..

In conclusion, i would like to say that, lets act good to everyone ..
Lets think positive and spread love to all people πŸ’ž


Sunday, December 2, 2018

Philosophy πŸ’«

Everyone has their own idol ..
same goes to me, i have someone that i look up to..
He is Bill Gates..


the above quote was really motivated me to have a beautiful life.

He's the one who created the most popular smartphone that is 'iPhone'.

nowadays, most people choose iPhone as their smartphone since this smartphone provided lot of benefits to their users.

He never gave up in making something new and improving his own product "iPhone".
As we can see, from year to another year, he kept producing new iPhone from the the ordinary iPhone until now iPhone XR. What an amazing achievement that he got?

other that that, this iPhone is under Apple product. He also produced Laptop, Ipad and other under the Apple brand.
The price of his product are quiet expensive because of the top function's provided..

but, he succeed to attract people to be his loyal customer..

the most important thing is, he is a brave person. He will do anything in order to make sure that all of his plans are running smoothly.
Despite of that, everyone has their own imperfection. We cannot expect too much from people. You can idol people but we cant over idolized :')

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Hye everyone and Assalamualaikun.
how are you guys?
Hoping that all of you are in a good mental and health πŸ˜ƒ

today im going to share what i like and what i dont like .

what i like? hm food? HHAHAAHHA
i love food . all type of food especially traditional cake. i dont know why, but i really do love traditional cake . Im Kelantanese and there are lot and various types of traditional cakes. but now, im not staying at Kelantan since i continued my study at UiTM Dungun, its quite complicated for me to find that kind of food in this U. em

but its okay. I love food. So, i eat all types of food. andd ya, i do 
love window shopping.
it can help me to heal my stress and my sadness. I dont need money to go there, i just need a perfect place. I can go alone because when i go alone, it gives me a chance to be free from other people. yaa, sometime , "people need to be alone"πŸ’•

so lets move to dislike section. Hee!
what i dont like is emm nothing.

i dont know what i dont like. because i feel like i love everything.
there's no specific things that i dont like. em depend on my mood . HAHAHA!!!
seriously, i dont know what i dont like . i dont like those people who kept saying that my course does not guarantee the future. maybe this course does not good in people's eyes but for me, its good enough. I can experience new things, study new subjects. I believe in Allah . He puts me here . He knows what the best for me .

soooooooo here are some things that i likes and i dont likes
Happy reading dear readers πŸ’“πŸ˜

Saturday, November 17, 2018

QU0TES : "There's always rainbow after the rain falls"

        "There's always rainbow after the rain falls"


This quote might cliche but its meaning is the thing that give effect to me the most. Everyone must have their own favourite quotes and this quote is my favourite. Everytime i have problem, i will try to set in my mind that the things will get better soon. The meaning of this quote is , people feel that their sadness is too bad or their unhealed wounds inside are opened too wide, it can make them feel sure that no matter how bad and deep the sadness is, no matter how big the scars on their hearts are, they will find an end of their bloody sadness. The happiness is coming soon...

No matter how bad or how hard is your problem, everything is gonna be okay soon..
And as a muslim, we need to remember that, Allah never gives you more than you can handle . He's the best one . "Allah Never Burdens a Soul". Everything happens must be a reasons . Stop questioning "why? why this happen? why?".

He knows what the best for us. Sometimes, He tests us because He wants us to find Him again. Human, will find Him when they face a problems . When they are happy enough, they not remember Him. 

Back to my favourite quote, i do always have a problem about my own heart. Im too busy in taking care of others hearts. If im going to do something, or going to decide something, the first thing that i think is about others feeling. im too easy to feel sympathy on people.. butttttt...

they dont do same to me. im not saying that im hoping for them to do the same things like what i have done..but please appreciate peope..
"i'm OKAY" with that but sometime i want people to appreciate the things that they got.

if i have a chance to ask " Do you know the ways to be a heartless person?"
because sometime i feel like its better to be heartless than having a soft heart that easy to worry about people, easy to think about other's feelings. In fact,they ignore you. They never think about your feelings. They do what they want. If and only if i can do the same thing like that...

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Short Vacayyyy

Assalamualaikum and Hye everyone..
How are you? take care there !!
guys, do you know what and where is Gambang?
so, in this entry, i would like to share with you about my experiences at Gambang during the last weekend .i went there for a group assignment which is HTM assignment . we rent a car and for a payment , we shared within us .2 days 1 night was nothing for us . we enjoyed there so much..the journey took about 2 hours frm UiTM Dungun..Nik was the one who drove a car . the way she drove a car made us felt like "guys, im travelling with my dad".HAHAHAHAAH

but alhamdulillah, we arrived there safelyy.

as soon as we reached there, we bought the entrance ticket. since we are students , we got an offer of the payment from the normal price RM33 to RM30 .

we tried all the games there . the most important thing that you need as soon as you go there , "you have to be brave enough + require a high confident level of yours"

all the games are quite challenge for me . but yaaa , i have to try all off them . 

while enjoying the games, we recorded some videos as our assignment vid . so here some photos and videos .

in that night, we stayed at Wada's house . so then , we took a chance to go out and watched Halloween movie at East Cost Mall . the next day, before we went to Dungun , we Stopped at Kuantan City Mall . we spent for about 4 hours there . it took for about 2 hours to Dungun. we arrived at Dungun at 5P.M.Alhamdulillah :')

Sunday, October 21, 2018

GEMIA ON guyss!

Assalamualaikum everyone 

This entry , i would like to share about my experiences during last campaign at Bukit Besi..
Last 2 weeks , i was so excited in registering my name but the feeling suddenly changed..
I tried hard to ask JPK to cancel my name from joining this campaign . Lots of problems + assignments + tests need to be done at this moment.  And  also i had to skip kitchen class   Thats the reason why my feelings suddenly changed. 


I still could not cancel my name . Thus , i joined this campaign .As soon as i reached the campaign site , it looked peaceful . Its surrounded by the big shady tree , sounds of birds , monkeys and so on ο˜‚We had been separated by 6 groups . The camp commander gave the task to each group and I was in the Fourth group . Theres a lot of activities there . The frst activity was water confident . Yet i had to jump into the crystalline waterο˜‚ο˜‚im so nervous ο˜‚ο˜‚ο˜‚The next day, the second activity was abseiling . I fell for about 3 times on the big rock. Im not stable at that moment . I couldn't control my leg . Luckily i managed to finish the actvty . The third actvty was the water confident too . Me and others members had to swam for about 300meter . We had been provided a life jackets . When i was at the middle of the Tasik Puteri , the only thing that kept playing in my mind was "can i still alive after this?" . Im so scared if i wouldn't be able to reach the finish line . Alhamdulillah .. i would be able to finish it..Last day , there were 3 actvities that were kayaking , flying fox and jumping to the Tasik Puteri . All these activities required lots of mental and a strong confident  this was the best campaign ever❀❀If and only if i cancelled , i wont be able to join these interesting activities ο’•

Allah is the best of the planners ❀
camping site


before burn HAHAHA

kayaking onnnnn


assalamualaikum people πŸ’•

hai everyone!! mehhhhh mehhhhh mehhhhhhh !!!!

in this entry , i want to introduce to all of you about my business product that is "keropok" from Kelantan .

this product is so famous among those people outside the Kelantan.

so , i took this product as my side business in UiTM Dungun , Terengganu.


RM 1.50

RM 1.50

DO WHATSAPP ME : 01161047809
GEMIA 2/004



Hye to all of you 😎
So in this entry , i dunno why , i would like to share about my love one , Familyyyy . missing them is a must .  there are for about 2 weeks more before the midterm break . so here , im struggle with a lot of the assignments , tests , and quiz which need to be done before the midterm breakπŸ’”

my father's name is Zulkifli bin Hassan , and my mother's name is Zunainah binti Ismail . both of them already retired from their jobs . so now is the only and right times for them to have a good rest while looking at their grandchildren .

as i told you before in my previous entry , i have 6 siblings , 3 brothers and 2 sisters . im the only one who still in studying . the first one is Izwan , Izuddin , Nadia , Izat , Syahira and me , Ain 😁 i already have 8 'anak buah' . some of them called me "Ciksuu", "Siksuu" . HAAHAHAA, Me is REDHA !

being "Ciksu" is not a joke . sometimes , i would get the sudden "headache" HAAHAHA.

there are so hyperactive πŸ™‡ so let me introduce their names , 

Zareef , Aqil , Zafeera , Aisya , Khalish, Irfan , Airaa , and Ziyad . .

I have grandmother which i called "mok" and aunty which i called "angah" and "acik "

let see these guysss !!!

Happy Eid !


me , my sister and ma abah ! since only both of us who 
not getting married yet , so here we are . HAHAHA!

                babysitter πŸ’—


Zareef , Zafeera and Khalish


Thursday, October 18, 2018


assalamualaikum semua πŸ˜€πŸ‘€

im back after being silent for about a week . so today, i would like to share with all of you about management subject .

this subject is about "manage", manage everything in your life.

i give you an simple example:
    if you have feelings to someone, you need to manage your feelings . you need to handle your feelings. you re the only one who can control yourself . you need to plan how to make sure that he or she will not reject you by thinking on how to confess your feelings .since this is your own feelings , you must be good enough to organize your feelings . you have to know what is your responsibility in handling your feelings . and you must know how to face any obstacles after this or after you have done your confession . so then, after you have finish in planning and organizing , lead yourself . lead yourself towards what you have decide for and plan for . last one is , you need to handle your feelings because you re the only one who can control yourself . so here , there are for things that totally involve in MANAGEMENT  that are "PLANNING","ORGANIZING","LEADING","CONTROLLING"❀

i choose this simple example since all of us have our own feelings . hoping that all of the readers now know what is MANAGEMENT about . last word , goodluck in handling your feelings ❀ πŸ˜ƒ

four functions of Management

Sunday, October 7, 2018


Assalamualaikum and hai peepsπŸ™‰

Are you okay ? i hope you are in the pink  and please enjoy your life there dear readers πŸ’–if you re sad , stop crying and move on from the things that make you sad . 

so , today im going to share with you about Mr Management . HEHEHE!!

before this , i never imagine that i will study this subject because im a Science student since form 4 until in the Matric!! but now? hmm

i know nothing about this subject . So yaa, i was excited to know "what is management?"

and  our firstdate was held at Karah at 2:30p.m . 

from where i sat, i could see a man who walked into the class , He looked so calm . anddd guest who????????

He is Management's lecturer 😜😜😜😜

and he just asked us to call him "TOK AYAH"πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

yesss TokAyah!!

                                        This is my mr management 
                                                 a.k.a 'TOKAYAH"

Me Myself and I

Assalamualaikum and have a nice day everyone...
          my name is Nurul Ain Afifah binti Zulkifli and now im 19y/o,last teen actually . I have 6     
          siblings and im the  youngest one . 3 brothers and 2 sisters πŸ’•

         so here , is my first entry in this blog . HEHEHEHE ! newbie here and totally "noob" since im 

          not a blog user before this

im sure that all of you wonder "why im doing this blog ?"

          to be honest, im  not confident with myself to write this entry πŸ™ˆ but i will try my
          best to put a smile on your face 😜

         and now im officially UiTM Dungun , Terengganu 's student  in  "Food  service"course which in Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism...

        This is the short video about my lifeee!

        before this, i studied at Perak Matriculation College at Gopeng, Perak . I
         cried a lot there 😒😒😒 life there was not a joke πŸ˜‘ my advice for those who want to 
         pursue their study in Matric , if you are not strong enough and lastminute study's          
         student ,  you cannot adapt easily with the situation and environment there . The 
         environment and situation  there   are totally differ from secondary school . So guys , 
         GoodLuck!!! And i dunno why i went to Matric eventhough at that moment , i got an 
         offer from University Sultan Azlan Shah (UPSI) . But yea , we are human and Allah 
         SWT is the best planner πŸ’“


         After the matriculation life , i would like to pursue my study in Puncak Alam , Shah 
         Alam or University Putra Malaysia . These 3 universities kept running in my mind . 
         When the UPU result had been announced , my heart broke into pieces πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” i was  
         offerred to continue my degree at UiTM Dungun , where i am  now 😑  "We plan ,  
        Allah plans and Allah SWT is the best of planners "at that time , i 
         was so worried about my journey here but then , time flies so fast , i realised that , i 
         already stay here for about 2 months.. yet im still trying to adapt myself with 
         environment and  people here .  Stay Strong dearself πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ



          the main purpose of making this blog is to write everything about Management 😍

          "What is Management??"...

         wait for the next entry...


Love πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

half of us πŸ’˜

 Abang Ikmal with Irfan Zafeera and Zareef 


Abang Ngah and Cousin

me with abang long and abang ngah



me with Zareef