
Assalamualaikum and have a nice day everyone...
          my name is Nurul Ain Afifah binti Zulkifli and now im 19y/o,last teen actually . I have 6     
          siblings and im the  youngest one . 3 brothers and 2 sisters 💕 

         so here , is my first entry in this blog . HEHEHEHE ! newbie here and totally "noob" since im 

          not a blog user before this

im sure that all of you wonder "why im doing this blog ?"

          to be honest, im  not confident with myself to write this entry 🙈 but i will try my
          best to put a smile on your face 😜

         and now im officially UiTM Dungun , Terengganu 's student  in  "Food  service"course which in Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism...

        This is the short video about my lifeee!
        before this, i studied at Perak Matriculation College at Gopeng, Perak . I
         cried a lot there 😢😢😢 life there was not a joke 😑 my advice for those who want to 
         pursue their study in Matric , if you are not strong enough and lastminute study's          
         student ,  you cannot adapt easily with the situation and environment there . The 
         environment and situation  there   are totally differ from secondary school . So guys , 
         GoodLuck!!! And i dunno why i went to Matric eventhough at that moment , i got an 
         offer from University Sultan Azlan Shah (UPSI) . But yea , we are human and Allah 
         SWT is the best planner 💓


         After the matriculation life , i would like to pursue my study in Puncak Alam , Shah 
         Alam or University Putra Malaysia . These 3 universities kept running in my mind . 
         When the UPU result had been announced , my heart broke into pieces 💔💔💔 i was  
         offerred to continue my degree at UiTM Dungun , where i am  now 😡  "We plan ,  
        Allah plans and Allah SWT is the best of planners "at that time , i 
         was so worried about my journey here but then , time flies so fast , i realised that , i 
         already stay here for about 2 months.. yet im still trying to adapt myself with 
         environment and  people here .  Stay Strong dearself 💪💪💪



          the main purpose of making this blog is to write everything about Management 😍

          "What is Management??"...

         wait for the next entry...


Love 💓💓💓💓

half of us 💘

 Abang Ikmal with Irfan Zafeera and Zareef 


Abang Ngah and Cousin

me with abang long and abang ngah



me with Zareef


  1. Nice story dear...just follow the flow...everything will be okayy InshaAllah cause Allah swt is the best planner...😊

  2. Nice story..... and hopefully always success in study and also in life

  3. Wow interesting. You video very creative. Good luck ain

  4. Thanks for sharing friend. It's nice to know a little bit about yourself. Good luck on your study.
