So , in this entry, i would like to share with all of you about my experience as a childhood. They are the people who rise me up until where im standing right now❤
In 2003,if im not mistake , they went for Umrah . They left me at my grandmother house . But then, as soon as they came back for Umrah, im not longer wanted to stay with them 😭😭😭 this is because, im the youngest one and there was my cousin which younger than me . So, i decided to stay with my grandmothert because i wanted to enjoy my childhood with cousin.
As time flies, in 2014 , i moved to my parents's house . Since that , everything changed. Alhamdulillah💞 finally , Allah opened my heart to stay with my parents. ..
My mom always guide me in my studies. Sent me to extra class , to school. Sometime, my father also did the same thing ❤
The most important thing that im proud with my father is , he always say that "Allah is the best planner , He knows what the best for you , if something happened , do not complain , there must be a reason behind everything that happend".
As soon as i got the offer to study in Food Service course , certain people kept saying that, its quite complicated for me to get a job in the future because this is not a top course..
But he said , "Its okay Ain. You dont need to think about a job, Allah had planned everything for you, just follow the flows , its not your problem to complain all these..Allah is the best of the planner❤" and since that, i trust that , everything that going to happen in future is the thing that Allah has planned for me❤ so yaaa , accept everything!!
And my momm is so kind to her children including her granddaughter and son-in-law/ lucky are my brother-in-law and sister-in-law to have mother in law like my mom💕
Everytime she went for vacation, she would buy something special to her neighbour. .yaaa , she never forgot her neighbour . Im
really amazed with her kindness ❤ proud to be her daughter 💫
There are lot of the things that make me proud of my parents..
In conclusion, i would like to say that, lets act good to everyone ..
Lets think positive and spread love to all people 💞