Wednesday, December 5, 2018

sharing 💫

Assalamualaikum and Hai everyone . So, how are you? In the pink? This week seriously the tough one😭

So , in this entry, i would like to share with all of you about my experience as a childhood. They are the people who rise me up until where im standing right now❤

In 2003,if im not mistake , they went for Umrah . They left me at my grandmother house . But then, as soon as they came back for Umrah, im not longer wanted to stay with them 😭😭😭 this is because, im the youngest one and there was my cousin which younger than me . So, i  decided to stay with my grandmothert because i wanted to enjoy my childhood with cousin.

As time flies, in 2014 , i moved to my parents's house . Since that , everything changed.  Alhamdulillah💞 finally , Allah opened my heart to stay with my parents. ..

My mom always guide me in my studies.  Sent me to extra class , to school.  Sometime, my father also did the same thing ❤

The most important thing that im proud with my father is , he always say that "Allah is the best planner , He knows what the best for you , if something happened , do not complain , there must be a reason behind everything that happend".

As soon as i got the offer to study in Food Service course , certain people kept saying that, its quite complicated for me to get a job in the future because this is not a top course..

But he said , "Its okay Ain.  You dont need to think about a job, Allah had planned everything for you, just follow the flows , its not your problem to complain all these..Allah is the best of the planner❤" and since that, i trust that , everything that going to happen in future is the thing that Allah has planned for me❤ so yaaa , accept everything!!

And my momm is so kind to her children including her granddaughter and son-in-law/ lucky are my brother-in-law and sister-in-law to have mother in law like my mom💕

Everytime she went for vacation, she would buy something special to her neighbour. .yaaa , she never forgot her neighbour . Im
really amazed with her kindness ❤ proud to be her daughter 💫

There are lot of the things that make me proud of my parents..

In conclusion, i would like to say that, lets act good to everyone ..
Lets think positive and spread love to all people 💞


Sunday, December 2, 2018

Philosophy 💫

Everyone has their own idol ..
same goes to me, i have someone that i look up to..
He is Bill Gates..


the above quote was really motivated me to have a beautiful life.

He's the one who created the most popular smartphone that is 'iPhone'.

nowadays, most people choose iPhone as their smartphone since this smartphone provided lot of benefits to their users.

He never gave up in making something new and improving his own product "iPhone".
As we can see, from year to another year, he kept producing new iPhone from the the ordinary iPhone until now iPhone XR. What an amazing achievement that he got?

other that that, this iPhone is under Apple product. He also produced Laptop, Ipad and other under the Apple brand.
The price of his product are quiet expensive because of the top function's provided..

but, he succeed to attract people to be his loyal customer..

the most important thing is, he is a brave person. He will do anything in order to make sure that all of his plans are running smoothly.
Despite of that, everyone has their own imperfection. We cannot expect too much from people. You can idol people but we cant over idolized :')